



材料はArduino UNO、ヘルメット、デジカメ、ソレノイド、トランジスタアレー、サーボ。

Namuris Camera
Namuris, who is the character of Nausicaa comic version, has eyes on back of his head. So he is no blind spot. This electronic work used that as a reference.
I attached the digital camera biaxial moving by two servos to the helmet. The shutter can be clicked by the solenoid. The servos and solenoid can be controlled by the control box with joy-stick and buttons.
Regardless of your view, you can take a photo any scene.

Material:Arduino UNO, helmet, digital camera, solenoid, transistor array, servo.

▼以下、制作過程を写真でご紹介(Making process)。